Sep 8, 2014

On This Day - Sept. 8

1380 CE - Russian forces defeat a mixed army of Tatars and Mongols at the Battle of Kulikovo, stopping their advance westward. 

Photo of the Day

In the News

Quote of the Day
"Old men delight in giving good advice as a consolation for the fact that they can no longer provide bad examples". --François de La Rochefoucauld

Song of the Day
Composer - Jeff Beal
From - Rome 

Film of the Day

Wiki of the Day
The Mozambique Company (PortugueseCompanhia de Moçambique) was a royal company operating in Portuguese Mozambique that had the concession of the lands in the Portuguese colony corresponding to the present provinces of Manica and Sofala in central Mozambique.
The company was established the 11 February 1891 with a capital stock of about 5 million dollars obtained from financiers from Germany, the United Kingdom and South Africa. Isaacman and Isaacman report that the firm was capitalised at 40,000 pounds (not $5 M), and that British and French capital quickly predominated. [1]
The concession was granted for a period of 50 years, during which the company could not only exploit the resources and existing manpower (partly through the chibalo system of forced labour) but also grant subconcessions. The company was granted the exclusive right to collect taxes, but was itself granted a 25-year tax exemption. In return the Portuguese state would receive 7.5% of the company's profits and 10% of the sold shares. The company was also required to settle 1,000 Portuguese families and provide education and public administration in its territory.

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